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Blogs written by me :-

  1. Blockchain

    Blockchain is the technology that covers digital currency (like Bitcoin, Litecoin, Ethereum, and others). This technology allows digital information to be distributed and decentralized, but can’t be manipulated. That means each piece of data can only have one owner but many holders of the same data.

    Why Is It Called Blockchain ?

    A block is a record of new transactions. When a block is completed, it’s added to the chain.So, Blockchain is a way to save data and make it immutable. That sounds great, but the big question, ofcourse, is: how does that work? The working is quite complex, you can check Wikipedia for this.

    Uses of Blockchain Technology:

    • Payments: Cross-Border Payments
    • Blockchain Internet-of-Things (IoT)
    • Smart Appliances
    • Blockchain Health care providers
    • can leverage blockchain to securely store
    • their patients’ medical records.
    • Blockchain music
    • Personal Identification
    • Birth, wedding, and death certificates>
    • Passports

    Future of Blockchain:

    The future of finance could be dominated by blockchain technologies. The future of security is in the blockchain because the current methods of keeping the data are not reliable enough. Blockchain is the revolutionary tech of the future, for future security aspirants, it will be the best for them to understand the working of blockchain.

  2. Fake feminism supressing the geneuine personality of men.

    Womens these days trying to snatch the crown of being victim without any action. Having a women is not giving you right to point finger on anyone’s personality. Our generation supports the practise of being equal. We geneuinely believe that all men and female are equal but some women use their gender as an advantage. We see it every where. A guy have to wait whole day in queue but girl can make a new line and ask for their work in any sector, isn’t it partiality. I am not saying that this practise is wrong but if you are young and physically normal then why can’t you stand for your chance.

    If seen, nowadays girls are showing themselves as poor as if they have suffered a lot by being a girl. I know there are some girl who are actually supressed by their guardians to not to go out or even not to study etc. These feminists should teach a lesson to thses guardians for this inappropriate behavior towards their child but they won’t do that. They only target those poor guys who are easy to catch and can be easily insulted.

    Womens are slapping those poor guys for no reasons like that poor cab driver, the delivery boy who will never even misbehave with any of their customer. But yes the girl have to show that she is a girl and she has all the right to slap anyone and our badluck we are still living in between these dumb spectator who decide the conclusion of the situation according to gender that if something is happend between a girl and a guy then the guy must be guilty. A girl can easily slap a boy or a man on public place but a man can never if he did so then whole society will raise their voice against him or even starts beating him. To be very honest, the society should raise the voice against the girl too. You are supporting those fraud girls to perform such activities and make money by looting guys.Wake up before it’s too late.

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